Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You will have one daily Microsoft Word assignment due.

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

    The objective of this project is to learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Word, including the formatting of documents in MLA style. This will help you every time you have to type an essay or research paper in all your other classes, including college.

Additionally, you will be expected to type properly using the touch typing technique as we practiced the first semester. By now, you should have already memorized the keyboard. You should no longer need to see the keys you're typing.  Your fingers should always start on the home-row keys. Your fingers should always be hovering over the home-row keys and move down or up depending on which keys you need to type/press. Typing properly increases your typing speed and therefore your production rate. 

All assignments need to be submitted via EdModo.


  • Essay formatted in MLA style (2x)
  • Two-column newspaper
  • Magazine cover
  • Flyer
  • Create two letterheads
  • Business letter (Use one of the letterheads you created for the previous assignment)
  • Brochure (For the brochure, you have to create an INFORMATIVE brochure that presents your ID unit topic. Your brochure should include facts, sources cited in MLA style, and the information of an organization where people get go to for more information).

1&2. Essay formatted in MLA style. 

  1. For the first page, add a headingIn the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Be sure to use double-spaced text.
  2. Double space again and center the title. Do not underline, italicize, or place your title in quotation marks; write the title in Title Case (standard capitalization), not in all capital letters.
  3. Double space between the title and the first line of the text.
  5. Font = Times New Roman
  6. Font size = 12 Points
  7. Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
  8. Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides FORMAT>DOCUMENT>MARGINS> 1" TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT.
  9. Indent the first line of paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin. MLA recommends that you use the Tab key instead of pushing the Space Bar five times.
  10. Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. Include your last name. Go to VIEW>HEADER>(ALIGNMENT RIGHT)> type your last name, insert a comma, and space once... INSERT>PAGE NUMBER>ALIGNMENT RIGHT
  11. Edit and revise your document several times so that it matches the hard copy you were given.

3. Two-page, two-column newspaper 

  1. Set the margins of your page to one inch FORMAT>DOCUMENT>MARGINS
  2. Type the name of your newspaper. Be creative. Use proper sentence case. Do not exceed one line of text.
  3. Highlight the name, center the name, choose any font, any size, and any color. Go to TOOLBOX>FONT
  4. Press ENTER
  5. Enter the date, issue number, and name of school. Font for this line should be Times New Roman, bold, 16 points.
  6. Press ENTER
  7. Change the ALIGNMENT back to left, and change the FONT to 12 points Times New Roman.
  8. Go to FORMAT, COLUMNS, and choose TWO. Also select THIS POINT FORWARD so that your title remains on the top of the page. 
  9. Go to CNN and find your stories. It is ok to copy and paste, BUT you will need to cite your source for each news story by writing the BYLINE <-- the name of the writer/journalist who wrote the story.
  10. All the headlines should be Times New Roman 22 points, bold. Headline means title of the story.
  11. All the bylines should be 12 points. Byline means name of person who wrote the story.
  12. All the story body text should be 12 points, SINGLE SPACED, BLACK, and LEFT ALIGNED.
  13. Each paragraph should be indented by using the TAB key.
  14. Each news article should have a picture. Drag and drop from original source. To resize a photo, click the corner and drag in.
  15. Add a FOOTER with the name of your magazine and the issue number. To add a FOOTER, go to VIEW>HEADER AND FOOTER and type it. It will look grayed out.
  16. Revise, save, and submit via EdModo. 
  17. Remember that although you're working with a partner to figure out the formatting, you should have different content. 

4. Magazine Cover

  1. Create a magazine cover.
  2. All you need for this project is a LARGE photo (over 1000 pixels) and knowledge of fonts. You can take your own picture and be the cover of your magazine. Be sure that your picture is VERTICAL so it fits an 8 1/2" by 11" page.
  3. Margins should be .6" all around.
  4. You need at least seven headlines. Come up with your own headlines. If your headline goes to two lines, make sure it's single-spaced.
  5. The name of the magazine and titles of articles are up to you, but keep topics within one theme
  6. Use a variety of colors and fonts but keep it simple.
  • To enter text, go to INSERT -> TEXT BOX

  • To send the photo behind the text, press CONTROL+RIGHT-CLICK the photo and select ARRANGE, BEHIND TEXT. 

  • To add WORD ART, click on the appropriate tab. Don't overuse it.

  • To use shapes, go to INSERT > PICTURE> AUTOSHAPES... don't overuse shapes.

  • Format the text inside the shape AND the color of the shape.
  • To enter text inside the shape, RIGHT-CLICK (OPTION+CLICK) the shape and select ADD TEXT.

  • Your final product should look like the following:


5. Flyer

  1. Create a flyer for an event of your choice. For event ideas, go to LA Weekly or come up with your own event. Your goal is for people to want to go to your event. Your flyer needs to be attractive and creative. 
  2. Remember you must highlight the font to apply what style you want. Be creative!

6. Letterhead

  1. Create two separate files for two separate letterheads. Both letterheads will be personal, but DO NOT include your real address, phone number, or e-mail address.
  2. Enter your letterhead inside the header VIEW>HEADER AND FOOTER
  3. Pick a photo that tells me something about yourself. For example, if you like coffee, then find a generic photo of coffee. 

  • Once you have added the photo, RIGHT-CLICK the photo, go to FORMAT PICTURE, and select SQUARE.

  • Be creative but keep it simple. You need two letterheads and two separate files.

7. Business Letter

  1. Please click on every link for this assignment. These are your resources.
  2. Get a graphic organizer from the back of the room (folder #4)
  3. You will be writing a business letter in block format addressed to President Obama. 
  4. Please follow the example for a BLOCK FORMAT letter from Purdue Owl.
  5. You will be using one of the letterheads your created on project six.
  6. Make sure your language is formal and that you edit and revise your text for proper English language conventions.
  7. You will be writing to President Obama. As a concerned citizen, you will be writing to the president with your concerns about global warming, climate change, and the environment. 
  8. To brainstorm and learn more about the environment, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Choose one major environmental topic you're concerned about, such as protecting your air, protecting your water, dealing with waste, etc. Your goal is to present the President with a current problem, whether is global, national, or local, and to ask him to do something about it. 

8. Brochure

  1. You will be creating a brochure for your ID unit project. Your brochure has to be informative, so it should present facts about your topic, citations in MLA style, and the information of an organization that can provide additional facts and help. 
  2. You will use a Microsoft Word template. Go to FILE>PROJECT GALLERY>NEW>BROCHURES
  3. Make sure your brochure looks professional. Do not plagiarize from your sources. 
  4. This project will be used for your ID unit exhibition in May. Do your best. This is the culminating project for the Microsoft Word lesson. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Comic Life let's you create page layouts for almost anything. You can design a yearbook, a newsletter, a comic book, a children's book, or even a magazine.
For some cool examples, go to: Made in Comic Life

National Education Technology Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

For this project, you have two choices:

1. Comic Book: For this option you will have to write your own story. Remember that all stories have basic elements. You need to develop characters, have a setting, a plot, climax, and a resolution. Your story must have narrative and dialogue. For pictures, you can use characters or random pictures from the Internet (e.g. Sponge Bob, Superman, etc.) but they must make sense with your story. If you're an artist, you can draw your own characters. 

You can collaborate with another person for this project if you are the characters of your story. Yes, you can capture photos from Comic Life; you can act out the scenes and become the characters you create. For a really cool example of a story using captured pictures, go to Comic Life in Education and scroll down to see "Weird Tales" created by a school. I will need to see a written draft of your story before you begin using Comic Life.

Make sure you tell a story! Include narrative [Once upon a time, there was...] and dialogue using the dialogue balloons. 

2. Magazine: For this option, you will design a travel magazine. You need to pick a city anywhere in the world and create a magazine to inform travelers of the places they can visit while vacationing there. 

General Requirements: 
  • All projects must be a minimum of six pages. If you choose to work with a partner for option one (you must be the characters of the story) then you need to have ten pages combined.
  • There must be continuity. You should be consistent with the style, the colors, and the fonts you use. 
  • Respect layouts. Have a dominant photo on each page.
  • Use photos that are medium or large. Don't use blurry pictures.
  • Don't waste space.
  • Don't trap empty space within elements.
  • Use correct English language conventions (correct spelling, grammar, syntax). 
  • If you are doing a travel magazine, you must cite your sources. For instance, if you want people to visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame while visiting Los Angeles, then you must provide a brief history of the place. The source where you get the information from must be credited in MLA style. You must also either paraphrase or quote the text... do not plagiarize.
  • You will turn in your project via EdModo. Once you're completely done, you need to go to: File>Print>PDF>Save as PDF. You will turn in the PDF file to EdModo. 

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012



National Education Technology Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation

a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes

3. Research and Information Fluency. 
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, sythesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

For this project, you will be creating an informational website using Weebly. You must create your own account with Weebly. Use the same username and password you use for EdModo.

You have to click, play, try, do, undo, and discover this skill on your own (although I will obviously be here to help you when you have questions).

Visit my Weebly Project Four example website here

Courtesy of  from YouTube:

Tutorial created by Jessica Pilgreen

Topics: Although you may choose your own topic, they must be teacher-approved and educational.

Topic Ideas

Arts and Entertainment: architecture, art history, dance, fashion, interior design, music (production, technical), music (production, technical), painting/drawing/sculpting, photography (you can take your own pictures), television (technical, not about shows), theater.

Books and Literature: authors, books, poetry.

Computers and the Internet: artificial intelligence, hardware, history, introduction, the internet, viruses.

Geography and Travel: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Central America, South America, Travel, Wonders of the World.

Health and Safety: diseases, fitness and exercise, mental health and psychology, nutrition. 

History and the Government: Africa, ancient civilizations, asia, disasters, elections.

Math: algebra, theories


Science and Technology: astronomy, earth science, life science, physical science, scientific method.

Social Sciences and Culture: conflict resolution, crime, cultures, customs, dance, education, fashion, food, indigenous people, languages, names and genealogy, news and the media, popular culture, teen issues, women's issues. 

Sports and Recreation: American football, amusement and theme parks, baseball, basketball, bicycling, camping/hiking/climbing, crafts, extreme sports, fitness, golf, gymnastics, soccer, tennis, volleyball. (if you do sports, you have to bring original pictures of you demonstrating the sport).

To see student-created websites, visit ThinkQuest Education Foundation.


You will be required to have at least two sources: Encyclopedia Britannica and a book (you can check this out at the school's library or go to your local library).

Imagine a student in Kansas City (or anywhere in the world) is writing a research paper for school and finds your website and wants to use it as a source. You need to be a responsible webmaster and make sure that all the information you are writing is correct. You need to make sure you are using sources that are valid and reliable. 

Remember that you need to have your sources cited in MLA style (you may use Citation Machine to help you with this).

When you use Britannica, you can get the citation from the bottom of the screen that looks like this:


Remember that you can add links to other websites, but it is a violation of copyright laws if you copy a "page" Web site and post the material on your Web site.

Copying images off the internet without permission and putting them on your page is also a copyright violation, even if you give credit to the source. Graphics on the intern are not free unless they are advertised as free.  For royalty-free images, go here: FREE DIGITAL PHOTOS

Website Section Requirements

HOME: This will be your main page. It will tell your audience what your website is going to be about. DO NOT WRITE "This website is about" ... just tell us! Do not write in first person point-of-view (me, I, we, us, etc.) Keep it second person point-of-view (you) and third person point-of-view (people, they, she, he, them, etc.).

ABOUT: This will be a short section about you. This is the ONLY section that will be in first person point-of-view).  You need to tell your audience that you are a high school student. However, DO NOT include any personal information about you (real name, age, Facebook account, city, name of school, etc).

REFERENCES: This is where you will cite your sources (Britannica Encyclopedia and the book) in MLA style.

BLOG: After this project, you will be blogging on your website in an effort to improve your writing. Be sure to add a blog to your website although you're not required to blog yet.
LINK 1, LINK 2, LINK 3:  Think of these links as three body paragraphs of an essay. These are subtopics about your topic. For example, if my website is about fashion, one link may be about fall clothes, another about nail colors, another about shoes, and another about hair styles.

Royalty-Free Photos

For royalty-free photos, visit Free Digital Photos

  • Click the image that you like
  • Once the image is loaded, click on the right where it says "Download" 
  • Click on "Terms of Use" and type the "Captcha" code

  • Once the image is downloaded, it will automatically open.
  • When the image opens, close it.
  • Go to PowerPoint and choose INSERT>PICTURE and search the picture under the DOWNLOADS FOLDER 

  • Once you selected the picture (make sure you know the name of the image so you can find it) you click on INSERT and the photo should be on your slide.
  • You must provide credit to the author who took the picture. To do so, click on "How to publish a credit" under "other uses". This needs to be in your "Resources" section.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


You will be creating a three-minute iMovie. You have three choices:

National Education Technology Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes

3. Research and Information Fluency. 
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, sythesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

See Rubric and be sure you get the highest grade you can get!


The Holocaust
The 9/11 Terrorist Attack
World War I
World War II
The Cold War
The Vietnam War

TIMELINE: (What is a timeline?)

The 1940s
The 1950s
The 1960s
The 1970s
The 1980s
The 1990s
The 2000s
From 2000 to 2012, etc.
The History of Television
The History of Cars
The History of the Telephone

BIOGRAPHIES: (Your source must be The life of...

President Barack Obama
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Michael Jackson 
Princess Diana
Frida Khalo

There are endless possibilities if you choose a biography, but the person you choose must have made a contribution to society. You cannot do a biography on a actor or singer unless is someone like John Lennon and Michael Jackson, whose lives are complex enough for a complete story. 

Take some time to browse through the Biography website until you find someone interesting. 

Step one: Decide your topic. Get your topic approved.

Step two: Find a reliable/credible/valid source and take handwritten notes. You must paraphrase the information (to avoid plagiarism). Keep track of the address (URL) of the website where you got the information from. You will be required to cite your source on the credits of the movie in MLA style.

Please check your writing for proper sentence structure and spelling.

Step three: Collect photos that go with your assignment. The photos must be saved in a folder within the "documents" section, and they must be larger than 500 x 500 pixels (so they won't look blurry in iMovie).  You need approximately 20 pictures to begin. 

Do not use photos/pictures/graphics that have watermarks or words in them. 

Getting started with iMovie

Step One: Open iMovie

Step two: File>New Project>Name

Step three: Watch tutorial and begin movie! Remember images must be large (500 * 500 pixels minimum) so they won't be blurry. Revise your writing. Keep address of website used to include in credits. Be creative and have fun!

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Produced by Name Last

"Pablo Picasso." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.

Featuring "Title of Song" by Name of Artist

Copyright 2012 Civitas SOL

Final Checklist:

  1. Is your movie three minutes long?
  2. Do you have transitions?
  3. Is your story complete? Factual? Cohesive?
  4. Is your movie free of grammatical and spelling errors?
  5. Does your audience have enough time to read every slide?
  6. Are your credits at the end of the movie in MLA?
  7. Does your movie have music? Is it appropriate? Is the volume fine? (not too loud or too low). Silent movies are not acceptable.
  8. Have you exported your movie to QuickTime?
  9. Have you submitted your movie to EdModo? (mobile size > export to iTunes)
  10. Are you proud of your work?