Wednesday, October 10, 2012



National Education Technology Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation

a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes

3. Research and Information Fluency. 
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, sythesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

For this project, you will be creating an informational website using Weebly. You must create your own account with Weebly. Use the same username and password you use for EdModo.

You have to click, play, try, do, undo, and discover this skill on your own (although I will obviously be here to help you when you have questions).

Visit my Weebly Project Four example website here

Courtesy of  from YouTube:

Tutorial created by Jessica Pilgreen

Topics: Although you may choose your own topic, they must be teacher-approved and educational.

Topic Ideas

Arts and Entertainment: architecture, art history, dance, fashion, interior design, music (production, technical), music (production, technical), painting/drawing/sculpting, photography (you can take your own pictures), television (technical, not about shows), theater.

Books and Literature: authors, books, poetry.

Computers and the Internet: artificial intelligence, hardware, history, introduction, the internet, viruses.

Geography and Travel: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Central America, South America, Travel, Wonders of the World.

Health and Safety: diseases, fitness and exercise, mental health and psychology, nutrition. 

History and the Government: Africa, ancient civilizations, asia, disasters, elections.

Math: algebra, theories


Science and Technology: astronomy, earth science, life science, physical science, scientific method.

Social Sciences and Culture: conflict resolution, crime, cultures, customs, dance, education, fashion, food, indigenous people, languages, names and genealogy, news and the media, popular culture, teen issues, women's issues. 

Sports and Recreation: American football, amusement and theme parks, baseball, basketball, bicycling, camping/hiking/climbing, crafts, extreme sports, fitness, golf, gymnastics, soccer, tennis, volleyball. (if you do sports, you have to bring original pictures of you demonstrating the sport).

To see student-created websites, visit ThinkQuest Education Foundation.


You will be required to have at least two sources: Encyclopedia Britannica and a book (you can check this out at the school's library or go to your local library).

Imagine a student in Kansas City (or anywhere in the world) is writing a research paper for school and finds your website and wants to use it as a source. You need to be a responsible webmaster and make sure that all the information you are writing is correct. You need to make sure you are using sources that are valid and reliable. 

Remember that you need to have your sources cited in MLA style (you may use Citation Machine to help you with this).

When you use Britannica, you can get the citation from the bottom of the screen that looks like this:


Remember that you can add links to other websites, but it is a violation of copyright laws if you copy a "page" Web site and post the material on your Web site.

Copying images off the internet without permission and putting them on your page is also a copyright violation, even if you give credit to the source. Graphics on the intern are not free unless they are advertised as free.  For royalty-free images, go here: FREE DIGITAL PHOTOS

Website Section Requirements

HOME: This will be your main page. It will tell your audience what your website is going to be about. DO NOT WRITE "This website is about" ... just tell us! Do not write in first person point-of-view (me, I, we, us, etc.) Keep it second person point-of-view (you) and third person point-of-view (people, they, she, he, them, etc.).

ABOUT: This will be a short section about you. This is the ONLY section that will be in first person point-of-view).  You need to tell your audience that you are a high school student. However, DO NOT include any personal information about you (real name, age, Facebook account, city, name of school, etc).

REFERENCES: This is where you will cite your sources (Britannica Encyclopedia and the book) in MLA style.

BLOG: After this project, you will be blogging on your website in an effort to improve your writing. Be sure to add a blog to your website although you're not required to blog yet.
LINK 1, LINK 2, LINK 3:  Think of these links as three body paragraphs of an essay. These are subtopics about your topic. For example, if my website is about fashion, one link may be about fall clothes, another about nail colors, another about shoes, and another about hair styles.

Royalty-Free Photos

For royalty-free photos, visit Free Digital Photos

  • Click the image that you like
  • Once the image is loaded, click on the right where it says "Download" 
  • Click on "Terms of Use" and type the "Captcha" code

  • Once the image is downloaded, it will automatically open.
  • When the image opens, close it.
  • Go to PowerPoint and choose INSERT>PICTURE and search the picture under the DOWNLOADS FOLDER 

  • Once you selected the picture (make sure you know the name of the image so you can find it) you click on INSERT and the photo should be on your slide.
  • You must provide credit to the author who took the picture. To do so, click on "How to publish a credit" under "other uses". This needs to be in your "Resources" section.