Monday, February 25, 2013


For this project, you will be creating a bar graph using Microsoft Excel. You will analyze the food you ate yesterday and its nutritional value.

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

2. Communication and Collaboration
a. Communicate information and ideas effectively using a variety of formats.

3. Research and Information Fluency
d. Process data and report results

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Scenario: You will create a spreadsheet that depicts the total fat, carbohydratesfiber, and protein you consumed yesterday. You must log in breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks you ate. Then, you will compare your results to what you're recommended to eat per day. 

Find the nutritional value of your food ---> here

If you ate fast food, you can find the fast food menus of most restaurants online. 

Step one: Open Microsoft Excel and enter the following in the columns: fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein.

Step two: For the rows, enter the food you ate in the order you ate it. 

Step three: Add the totals for the day. Make sure all the figures are in grams.

Step four: Create a bar graph. Compare your results to the recommended daily intake

Step five: In Microsoft Word, insert the graph and reflect by answering the following questions. You do not have to write the questions. Write in paragraph format. Each paragraph should be at least five complete sentences.

1. Why do you think obesity is on the rise? Explain.
2. What health problems can we avoid by eating the proper foods? What foods should we consume daily?
3. Analyze your graph. Analyze what you ate. Are you eating the right foods? Are you overeating? Eating less? Explain in detail. 

Step six: As your final assignment, you will turn in a Microsoft Word file with the graph you created and the reflection of the questions above. For the reflection, you must use Times New Roman, 12 point, regular font. It must be double spaced and the margins must be one inch on all sides. Please center the title of the assignment. The assignment must be turned in via Edmodo .


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