Monday, April 1, 2013


In approximately six weeks, you will be presenting an interdisciplinary exhibition, most commonly known as ID Unit, to your parents, community members, and other students.

As part of your exhibition, you are required to show a three-minute informational iMovie, which you will create in this class. 

Please follow the outline below:

I. Find a powerful statistic or quote that will grab your audience's attention. If you use a quote, make sure that whoever said the quote is someone whose opinion on the subject matters. For example, if you're talking about grobal warming, you can quote Al Gore. If your topic is child trafficking, you can quote the UNICEF spokesperson or an ambassador.

For example, the quote about Genetically Engineered Food below is powerful and gets you thinking...

“If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.”
- Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 

Below a fact about Genetically Engineered Food

You are probably eating genetically modified foods and don’t even know it. As much as 80% of all packaged foods contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

II. Fade to title of documentary.

III. Basic definition. For example, if your topic is "Genetic Engineering", define what it is.

IV. Provide examples of your topic... find real-world connections. For example: 
"Bt-corn is a form of sweet corn that has been genetically modified to include an insect-killing gene. This means the farmer doesn't have to spray with pesticides, because the insects die from eating the corn. No spraying means less harm to the environment and the workers handling the toxic spray. The move has caused debate, however. The same gene that attacks corn predators also appears to kill the Monarch butterfly. According to the USDA, farmers in every state in the U.S. are growing at least some GM corn at any given time. Because the U.S. is the largest producer of corn in the world, these numbers have a significant impact beyond the American borders." -Discovery Channel
  •  You can paraphrase or quote, but you always have to cite your sources in MLA style.   
  • Make sure your sources are reliable/valid. The information I found was from the Discovery Channel website.
V. Find a reputable site where people can learn more about your topic. To learn more about genetic engineering, please visit: U.S. Food and Drug Administration at

VI. For your credits, you need to include your bibliography. All websites should be cited in MLA style. Don't forget to use  All your credits should be centered. The following is an example of how I would put my credits.

Produced by C. Garcia

Civitas School of Leadership

9th Grade ID Unit Essential Question:
What is justice/injustice?

"Curiosity." Discovery Channel. Discovery Communications, LLC, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013. <>.

Spring 2013

Be creative! Have fun! Be professional! Please don't use blurry pictures... remember they must be at least 500 x 500 pixels, minimum. Also, don't use pictures with words/watermarks. Last but not least, don't use the elevator-eye effect.

Apple Tutorials:
Adding Photos

Adding Titles to Your Movie

Trimming Edits Between Video Clips

Record Voiceover

Adding Theme Titles and Transitions

Adding Transitions Between Video Clips

Adding Background Music to Your Movie

Create Picture-in-Picture Effects

Add Animated Travel Maps

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