Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Due to the slow speed of the Internet at school, this project has become extra credit. If you have access to the Internet at home, you can complete the project at home and show it to the class. You can try coming after school to work on this since the Internet is faster then, but there are no guarantees when it comes to the efficiency of the Internet :-(

You will be creating your own 45-second Xtranormal video. 

You will choose one of Civitas's core values as your topic:


Your video should teach a value, just like the video below teaches respect.

Watch the example below: 

Watch my tutorial:

Step one: Go to Xtranormal

Step two: Go to "movie maker"

Step three: Create an account

Step four: Fill out the information. Be sure your e-mail address is correct.

Your username and password should be the same as for your e-mail account.

Step five: Click on "make movies"

Step six: Choose your characters.

Step seven: Get started!

Step eight: Save! When you're completely done, you can publish.  Preview as much as possible to check all details. You will be publishing the code on a Blogger account. Do not publish until you're absolutely sure you're done. Once you use your points, you can't use the site anymore unless you pay.

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