Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Due to the slow speed of the Internet at school, this project has become extra credit. If you have access to the Internet at home, you can complete the project at home and show it to the class. You can try coming after school to work on this since the Internet is faster then, but there are no guarantees when it comes to the efficiency of the Internet :-(

You will be creating your own 45-second Xtranormal video. 

You will choose one of Civitas's core values as your topic:


Your video should teach a value, just like the video below teaches respect.

Watch the example below: 

Watch my tutorial:

Step one: Go to Xtranormal

Step two: Go to "movie maker"

Step three: Create an account

Step four: Fill out the information. Be sure your e-mail address is correct.

Your username and password should be the same as for your e-mail account.

Step five: Click on "make movies"

Step six: Choose your characters.

Step seven: Get started!

Step eight: Save! When you're completely done, you can publish.  Preview as much as possible to check all details. You will be publishing the code on a Blogger account. Do not publish until you're absolutely sure you're done. Once you use your points, you can't use the site anymore unless you pay.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


For this project, you will be creating an animation clip. I will be using the HABIT OF EXPRESSION to grade your last project.

Let's practice with the dinosaur! 

Step One: Now let's do the tutorial! You must complete all 32 lessons. To go to the tutorial, visit Learn Scratch. For each step (lesson) you're shown, you must practice the same step on your own. Go to Scratch to duplicate each lesson... click "try it out" to begin the program.

Step Two: Now animate the crab. Go to Scratch and click on "try it out" to begin.

Duplicate the scrips below to create the animated character. Notice the color of the commands and the menus.

Step Three: Create an account with Scratch. Use the SAME username and password as EdModo so you won't forget it. Visit Scratch and click on "create account" to proceed. You must have an Email address. You may use a personal e-mail account or the Google account I asked you to create at the beginning of the year.

Step Four: Create your own! You need to create two short projects (birthday cards, holiday cards, etc) and one original animation using the paint feature of Scratch. Project due June 1st. No exceptions! Your project should have movement, sound, and effects. HAVE FUN!

Monday, April 1, 2013


In approximately six weeks, you will be presenting an interdisciplinary exhibition, most commonly known as ID Unit, to your parents, community members, and other students.

As part of your exhibition, you are required to show a three-minute informational iMovie, which you will create in this class. 

Please follow the outline below:

I. Find a powerful statistic or quote that will grab your audience's attention. If you use a quote, make sure that whoever said the quote is someone whose opinion on the subject matters. For example, if you're talking about grobal warming, you can quote Al Gore. If your topic is child trafficking, you can quote the UNICEF spokesperson or an ambassador.

For example, the quote about Genetically Engineered Food below is powerful and gets you thinking...

“If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.”
- Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 

Below a fact about Genetically Engineered Food

You are probably eating genetically modified foods and don’t even know it. As much as 80% of all packaged foods contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

II. Fade to title of documentary.

III. Basic definition. For example, if your topic is "Genetic Engineering", define what it is.

IV. Provide examples of your topic... find real-world connections. For example: 
"Bt-corn is a form of sweet corn that has been genetically modified to include an insect-killing gene. This means the farmer doesn't have to spray with pesticides, because the insects die from eating the corn. No spraying means less harm to the environment and the workers handling the toxic spray. The move has caused debate, however. The same gene that attacks corn predators also appears to kill the Monarch butterfly. According to the USDA, farmers in every state in the U.S. are growing at least some GM corn at any given time. Because the U.S. is the largest producer of corn in the world, these numbers have a significant impact beyond the American borders." -Discovery Channel
  •  You can paraphrase or quote, but you always have to cite your sources in MLA style.   
  • Make sure your sources are reliable/valid. The information I found was from the Discovery Channel website.
V. Find a reputable site where people can learn more about your topic. To learn more about genetic engineering, please visit: U.S. Food and Drug Administration at

VI. For your credits, you need to include your bibliography. All websites should be cited in MLA style. Don't forget to use  All your credits should be centered. The following is an example of how I would put my credits.

Produced by C. Garcia

Civitas School of Leadership

9th Grade ID Unit Essential Question:
What is justice/injustice?

"Curiosity." Discovery Channel. Discovery Communications, LLC, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013. <>.

Spring 2013

Be creative! Have fun! Be professional! Please don't use blurry pictures... remember they must be at least 500 x 500 pixels, minimum. Also, don't use pictures with words/watermarks. Last but not least, don't use the elevator-eye effect.

Apple Tutorials:
Adding Photos

Adding Titles to Your Movie

Trimming Edits Between Video Clips

Record Voiceover

Adding Theme Titles and Transitions

Adding Transitions Between Video Clips

Adding Background Music to Your Movie

Create Picture-in-Picture Effects

Add Animated Travel Maps

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


You will be applying the skills you learned in the previous project, but now you will be creating a bar graph, a pie graph, and a line graph. 

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

2. Communication and Collaboration
a. Communicate information and ideas effectively using a variety of formats.

3. Research and Information Fluency
d. Process data and report results

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

  1. Create graphs using prior knowledge
  2. Copy/Paste graphs from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word. Include a heading and a title.
  3. Turn in graphs via EdModo. You do not need to turn in the Excel document, only the Word file.
  4. Due date: Your file is due Wednesday, March 20, 2013.
Bar Graphs: You will conduct a simple survey with your classmates and display your survey results. Example: What are your eating habits? Remember that regardless of your survey, you must only allow one vote per person. In addition, don't forget that your question should have the necessary categories. For example, if you're asking people to vote on their favorite movie genres, then your categories must include all major genres, such as comedy, action, adventure, romance, drama, animation, documentaries, etc. Your categories would be incomplete if you had excluded comedy, since it is a major genre. 

Pie Graphs are used to show categories from a whole, like slices of a pie. It also shows percentages. Notice how all percentages add to 100%. Pie charts MUST add to 100%.  

For this graph/chart, you will create a pie graph that shows the nutritional value of your favorite snack.

The example below is the nutritional information for a frito pie. Notice how all figures are in grams. You can't do a pie graph with calories, milligrams, and grams all together... for it to make sense, you must use the same value... either all calories, all milligrams, or all grams. 

Line Graphs are used to show fluctuation... how something increases and decreases over time.

Example: Typing Lessons (Speed & Accuracy)

Monday, February 25, 2013


For this project, you will be creating a bar graph using Microsoft Excel. You will analyze the food you ate yesterday and its nutritional value.

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

2. Communication and Collaboration
a. Communicate information and ideas effectively using a variety of formats.

3. Research and Information Fluency
d. Process data and report results

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Scenario: You will create a spreadsheet that depicts the total fat, carbohydratesfiber, and protein you consumed yesterday. You must log in breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks you ate. Then, you will compare your results to what you're recommended to eat per day. 

Find the nutritional value of your food ---> here

If you ate fast food, you can find the fast food menus of most restaurants online. 

Step one: Open Microsoft Excel and enter the following in the columns: fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein.

Step two: For the rows, enter the food you ate in the order you ate it. 

Step three: Add the totals for the day. Make sure all the figures are in grams.

Step four: Create a bar graph. Compare your results to the recommended daily intake

Step five: In Microsoft Word, insert the graph and reflect by answering the following questions. You do not have to write the questions. Write in paragraph format. Each paragraph should be at least five complete sentences.

1. Why do you think obesity is on the rise? Explain.
2. What health problems can we avoid by eating the proper foods? What foods should we consume daily?
3. Analyze your graph. Analyze what you ate. Are you eating the right foods? Are you overeating? Eating less? Explain in detail. 

Step six: As your final assignment, you will turn in a Microsoft Word file with the graph you created and the reflection of the questions above. For the reflection, you must use Times New Roman, 12 point, regular font. It must be double spaced and the margins must be one inch on all sides. Please center the title of the assignment. The assignment must be turned in via Edmodo .


Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You will have one daily Microsoft Word assignment due.

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

    The objective of this project is to learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Word, including the formatting of documents in MLA style. This will help you every time you have to type an essay or research paper in all your other classes, including college.

Additionally, you will be expected to type properly using the touch typing technique as we practiced the first semester. By now, you should have already memorized the keyboard. You should no longer need to see the keys you're typing.  Your fingers should always start on the home-row keys. Your fingers should always be hovering over the home-row keys and move down or up depending on which keys you need to type/press. Typing properly increases your typing speed and therefore your production rate. 

All assignments need to be submitted via EdModo.


  • Essay formatted in MLA style (2x)
  • Two-column newspaper
  • Magazine cover
  • Flyer
  • Create two letterheads
  • Business letter (Use one of the letterheads you created for the previous assignment)
  • Brochure (For the brochure, you have to create an INFORMATIVE brochure that presents your ID unit topic. Your brochure should include facts, sources cited in MLA style, and the information of an organization where people get go to for more information).

1&2. Essay formatted in MLA style. 

  1. For the first page, add a headingIn the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Be sure to use double-spaced text.
  2. Double space again and center the title. Do not underline, italicize, or place your title in quotation marks; write the title in Title Case (standard capitalization), not in all capital letters.
  3. Double space between the title and the first line of the text.
  5. Font = Times New Roman
  6. Font size = 12 Points
  7. Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
  8. Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides FORMAT>DOCUMENT>MARGINS> 1" TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT.
  9. Indent the first line of paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin. MLA recommends that you use the Tab key instead of pushing the Space Bar five times.
  10. Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. Include your last name. Go to VIEW>HEADER>(ALIGNMENT RIGHT)> type your last name, insert a comma, and space once... INSERT>PAGE NUMBER>ALIGNMENT RIGHT
  11. Edit and revise your document several times so that it matches the hard copy you were given.

3. Two-page, two-column newspaper 

  1. Set the margins of your page to one inch FORMAT>DOCUMENT>MARGINS
  2. Type the name of your newspaper. Be creative. Use proper sentence case. Do not exceed one line of text.
  3. Highlight the name, center the name, choose any font, any size, and any color. Go to TOOLBOX>FONT
  4. Press ENTER
  5. Enter the date, issue number, and name of school. Font for this line should be Times New Roman, bold, 16 points.
  6. Press ENTER
  7. Change the ALIGNMENT back to left, and change the FONT to 12 points Times New Roman.
  8. Go to FORMAT, COLUMNS, and choose TWO. Also select THIS POINT FORWARD so that your title remains on the top of the page. 
  9. Go to CNN and find your stories. It is ok to copy and paste, BUT you will need to cite your source for each news story by writing the BYLINE <-- the name of the writer/journalist who wrote the story.
  10. All the headlines should be Times New Roman 22 points, bold. Headline means title of the story.
  11. All the bylines should be 12 points. Byline means name of person who wrote the story.
  12. All the story body text should be 12 points, SINGLE SPACED, BLACK, and LEFT ALIGNED.
  13. Each paragraph should be indented by using the TAB key.
  14. Each news article should have a picture. Drag and drop from original source. To resize a photo, click the corner and drag in.
  15. Add a FOOTER with the name of your magazine and the issue number. To add a FOOTER, go to VIEW>HEADER AND FOOTER and type it. It will look grayed out.
  16. Revise, save, and submit via EdModo. 
  17. Remember that although you're working with a partner to figure out the formatting, you should have different content. 

4. Magazine Cover

  1. Create a magazine cover.
  2. All you need for this project is a LARGE photo (over 1000 pixels) and knowledge of fonts. You can take your own picture and be the cover of your magazine. Be sure that your picture is VERTICAL so it fits an 8 1/2" by 11" page.
  3. Margins should be .6" all around.
  4. You need at least seven headlines. Come up with your own headlines. If your headline goes to two lines, make sure it's single-spaced.
  5. The name of the magazine and titles of articles are up to you, but keep topics within one theme
  6. Use a variety of colors and fonts but keep it simple.
  • To enter text, go to INSERT -> TEXT BOX

  • To send the photo behind the text, press CONTROL+RIGHT-CLICK the photo and select ARRANGE, BEHIND TEXT. 

  • To add WORD ART, click on the appropriate tab. Don't overuse it.

  • To use shapes, go to INSERT > PICTURE> AUTOSHAPES... don't overuse shapes.

  • Format the text inside the shape AND the color of the shape.
  • To enter text inside the shape, RIGHT-CLICK (OPTION+CLICK) the shape and select ADD TEXT.

  • Your final product should look like the following:


5. Flyer

  1. Create a flyer for an event of your choice. For event ideas, go to LA Weekly or come up with your own event. Your goal is for people to want to go to your event. Your flyer needs to be attractive and creative. 
  2. Remember you must highlight the font to apply what style you want. Be creative!

6. Letterhead

  1. Create two separate files for two separate letterheads. Both letterheads will be personal, but DO NOT include your real address, phone number, or e-mail address.
  2. Enter your letterhead inside the header VIEW>HEADER AND FOOTER
  3. Pick a photo that tells me something about yourself. For example, if you like coffee, then find a generic photo of coffee. 

  • Once you have added the photo, RIGHT-CLICK the photo, go to FORMAT PICTURE, and select SQUARE.

  • Be creative but keep it simple. You need two letterheads and two separate files.

7. Business Letter

  1. Please click on every link for this assignment. These are your resources.
  2. Get a graphic organizer from the back of the room (folder #4)
  3. You will be writing a business letter in block format addressed to President Obama. 
  4. Please follow the example for a BLOCK FORMAT letter from Purdue Owl.
  5. You will be using one of the letterheads your created on project six.
  6. Make sure your language is formal and that you edit and revise your text for proper English language conventions.
  7. You will be writing to President Obama. As a concerned citizen, you will be writing to the president with your concerns about global warming, climate change, and the environment. 
  8. To brainstorm and learn more about the environment, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Choose one major environmental topic you're concerned about, such as protecting your air, protecting your water, dealing with waste, etc. Your goal is to present the President with a current problem, whether is global, national, or local, and to ask him to do something about it. 

8. Brochure

  1. You will be creating a brochure for your ID unit project. Your brochure has to be informative, so it should present facts about your topic, citations in MLA style, and the information of an organization that can provide additional facts and help. 
  2. You will use a Microsoft Word template. Go to FILE>PROJECT GALLERY>NEW>BROCHURES
  3. Make sure your brochure looks professional. Do not plagiarize from your sources. 
  4. This project will be used for your ID unit exhibition in May. Do your best. This is the culminating project for the Microsoft Word lesson.