Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Assignment: You will use PowerPoint to persuade your audience to agree with you. 

Your PowerPoint must be 15 slides including your title slide and your bibliography slide. 

National Education Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

2. Communication and Collaboration
a. Communicate information and ideas effectively using a variety of formats.

3. Research and Information Fluency
d. Process data and report results

5. Digital Citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

1. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary?
2. Should students have to wear uniforms?
3. Should the elderly receive free bus rides?
4. Should state universities be free to attend?
5. Should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
6. Should the voting age be lowered to sixteen?
7. Should the driving age be raised to twenty-one?
8. Should students be paid for having good grades?
9. Should schools sell money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students?
10. Should girls be allowed to play on boys sports teams?
11. Should teens be able to buy violent video games?
12. Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
13. Should our country have a universal healthcare program?
14. Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?
15. Should school athletes have to be on the honor roll to play games?
16. Should music with curse words be allowed at school dances?
17. Should public schools begin the day with a silent prayer?
18. Should schools offer fast food options for students to buy in the cafeteria?
19. Should cities offer public Wi-Fi?
20. Should the government restrict junk food purchases to those who receive food stamps?
21. Should the 2nd Amendment give citizens the right to own weapons?
22. Should people traveling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings?
23. Should restaurants be allowed to sell genetically modified food?
24. Should there be an ordinance citing people who fail to recycle?
25. Should there be an ordinance citing people who play music too loudly?
26. Should students who fail their classes be cited for wasting public funds?
27. Should larger passengers have to pay for two plane/bus/train tickets when traveling?
28. Should sexual education be taught in public schools?
29. Should students be allowed to eat during class?
30. Should students have open campus lunch periods?
31. Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals?
32. Should students learn about world religions in public schools?
33. Should the United States end overseas military operations?
34. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides?
35. Should Puerto Rico become a state?
36. Should high school students have to complete community service hours to graduate?
37. Should teens over 13 years be allowed into R rated movies?
38. Should unhealthy fast food products be sold with a warning label?
39. Should everyone under the age of 17 have a 9:00 P.M. curfew?
40. Should schools with low standardized tests be closed?
41. Should American families who live in poverty have a two child maximum rule?
42. Should those caught driving under the influence lose their license?
43. Should students who fail their classes be retained?
44. Should the government censor internet content?
45. Should parents of truant students be fined?
46. Should teenage girls be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?

Ethos, Logos, Pathos

In order to convince your audience, you need to use ethos, logos, and pathos. Aristotle’s "ingredients for persuasion" are known by the names of ethospathos, and logos. They are all means of persuading others to take a particular point of view.

According to yourdictionary.com, 
  • Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader... an expert in a particular subject. REMEMBER: ETHOS = EXPERT
"He is a forensics and ballistics expert for the federal government – if anyone’s qualified to determine the murder weapon, it’s him."

"Our expertise in roofing contracting is evidenced not only by our 100 years in the business and our staff of qualified technicians, but in the decades of satisfied customers who have come to expect nothing but the best."

"As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results."

  • Pathos is an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. REMEMBER, PATHOS = EMOTIONS
"There’s no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems will protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night."

"You will never be satisfied in life if you don’t seize this opportunity. Do you want to live the rest of your years yearning to know what would have happened if you just jumped when you had the chance?"

"Where would we be without our culture? Ever since our forefathers landed at in America, we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving without fail, making more than cherished recipes. We’ve made memories."

  • Logos is an appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason. REMEMBER, LOGOS = FACTS, LOGIC
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: we have not only the fingerprints, the lack of an alibi, a clear motive, and an expressed desire to commit the robbery… We also have video of the suspect breaking in. The case could not be more open and shut."

"Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from five other nations with space programs, suggests that a moon colony is viable with international support."

"The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently increased approximately  five percent year-over-year, even in spite of market declines."

Suggested Order of Slides:
1. Name and topic
2. Point of view
3. Ethos
4. Ethos
5. Logos
6. Logos
7. Pathos
8. Pathos
9. Possible logical solution, in your opinion
10. A question to the audience
11. Open
12. Open
13. Open
14. Open
15. Source slide (List the webpages where your information was found. The source needs to be in MLA Style. Visit Citation Machine for help on citing your sources).

1. You will be getting this screen when you first open the PowerPoint program. This is your title slide, where you type your name and the name of your project.

2. To insert a new slide, go to "new slide" on the tool bar or you may go to INSERT>NEW SLIDE from the long menu.

3. To customize your slides/text, open your TOOLBOX (Formatting Palette).

4. For photo and text effects, click on the stars on top of the Formatting Palette. For it to activate, you must first either click on a photo or highlight the text.

5. For slide transitions, click on "options" under "transitions" tab.

6. Keep a slide where you keep your source information. Remember that you have to avoid plagiarism, so you must cite your source. For help citing your source, visit Citation Machine. Your last slide will have all your sources cited in MLA Style.

7. Remember to keep several copies of your assignment saved, specially on your USB drive. Once you have finished, review your slides and prepare for the oral presentation.

When presenting, be sure to maintain eye contact, avoid reading slides aloud, speak loud and clear and memorize the main points. 

Assessment: You will be graded with the Habits of Expression and Presentation as well as the Technology Standards above. Technical requirements include having 15 slides, transitions, text effects, photo effects, WordArt, photos and/or clipart on every slide, proper English language conventions, no disproportioned or blurry photos. 

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