Tuesday, September 4, 2012


With the use of technology comes responsibility. In groups of three, you will create a poster that explains the concept assigned. You will be the experts in charge of teaching other students about your topic. 

National Education Technology Standards

1. Digital Citizenship
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
  1. Your poster should have a symbol or drawing depicting the concept
  2. Clear definition
  3. Clear examples
  4. Check for proper English language conventions
  5. The poster should be neat, colorful, and creative
  6. You need to fully understand the concept before you can explain it.

Group #1: Visit Citing Sources in MLA Style and teach the class how to cite websites in MLA style. Label the example you provide.

Group #2: For this poster, you will explain what Nettiquete means.

Group #3: What is plagiarism? How can you avoid it?

Group #4: How do you know if a website is reliable? How can you trust the information you find? What are good examples of sites you can use for research? What are some websites that should never be used when investigating a topic? You will present the validity and reliability of websites.

Group #5: When you conduct research, how do you even begin? You will explain five ways to search the internet more effectively.

Group #6: When you copy and paste from the internet, you're plagiarizing... that's illegal. You should always rewrite ideas in your own words and cite your sources. Your group will teach the class how to paraphrase text.  Come up with an example of original text then paraphrase it. Your poster should have both, the original text and the paraphrased text. Don't forget to cite your source in MLA style.

1 comment:

  1. We really need to observe responsible technology use. As an Australian broadband service provider subscriber, I have set some guidelines with regard to that.
